Sculptures in a museum


Our Arts and Culture product is designed to meet the specific needs for museums in an all in one package. We can offer coverage for the organization’s general liability, property, liquor liability, inland marine, fine arts, directors and officers, employment practices liability, auto and umbrella.

Kristen Iannarelli headshot

Email Kristen Iannarelli →
Vice President
New Business Team Leader
877-977-4474, ext. 7090

Insurance policy highlights can include:

  • Special events included at no additional cost
  • Host liquor or full liquor liability available
  • Coverage follows insured due to no designated premises limitation
  • Defense outside the limit 
  • Blanket additional insured endorsement
  • Ability to include Hired and non-owned auto or commercial auto in most states
  • Fine arts coverage available for specialized items up to $50 million
Coverages can include:
  • General liability
  • Property
  • Liquor liability
  • Directors and officers
  • Employment practices
  • Equipment breakdown
Additional coverages available:
  • Special events
  • Professional liability
  • Fine arts
  • Business income
  • Inland marine
  • Blanket additional insureds


Claim Examples

General Liability

A guest at a museum slipped and fell in the bathroom and broke his arm. The guest filed a lawsuit against the organization for pain and suffering, medical bills and rehabilitation expenses.


A water pipe bursts in a museum, resulting in extensive damage to the building. In addition, the incident causes the cancellation of two events, forcing management to refund hundreds of tickets. The organization suffers a loss of $50,000 for property damage and business income.

Inland Marine

During an overnight trip, the museum locked its books in the van and spent the night at a hotel. Later that night, someone used a crowbar to pry open the van and stole all the museum books. The next morning the director noticed that the equipment was missing and notified the police. A total of $9,700 of equipment was stolen.

Directors and Officers

A donor made a large contribution to a museum. The funds were to be used primarily to buy new books. Instead, the museum, through its executive director and board of trustees, decided to use the funds to take a trip to see a Broadway musical. The donor filed suit, alleging misappropriation of funds. The damages included return of the full contribution plus interest. As some of the money was already spent, the nonprofit would be financially unable to return the entire donation.